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Options for sending messages using the MessageClient.



[key: string]: any

Abuse goes here




Optional id

id: string

Unique message id per channel and team. This is required if you wish to re-write a message at a later time.

Optional post

post: "update_only" | "always"

If update_only is given, this message will only be posted if a previous message with the same id exists.

Optional thread

thread: string | boolean

Optional thread identifier to send this message to or true to send this to the message that triggered this command.

Optional ts

ts: number

Timestamp of the message. The timestamp needs to be sortable lexicographically. Should be in milliseconds and defaults to Date.now().

This is only applicable if id is set too.

Optional ttl

ttl: number

Time to live for a posted message. If ts + ttl of the existing message with ts is < as a new incoming message with the same id, the message will be re-written.

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