Optimization property. Prefix that's required for this to match. Return undefined if we don't know. If we can provide this information, it can make matching much more efficient if this is the first matcher in a Microgrammar.
Optimization method. Can a match start with this character?
character to test for
Former core matching method. Now, this should be a wrapper around matchPrefixReport Implement as: toMatchPrefixResult(this.matchPrefixReport(is, thisMatchContext, parseContext));
input state
context for this match, beginning from the top level and passed into nested matchers
context for the whole parsing operation we're in: e.g. parsing a file
Core matching method. Can we match at the present point in the given InputState? Context arguments may be used by matchers that require knowledge of current match or global context.
input state
context for this match, beginning from the top level and passed into nested matchers
context for the whole parsing operation we're in: e.g. parsing a file
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Matching logic associated with a name