Automation client and machine configuration this machine will run in
Return the PushMapping that will be used on pushes. Useful in testing goal setting.
Add vote that gets to decide whether to deny or grant goal approval requests.
(hint: prefer withPushRules
Add goal setting contributions that will be added into SDM goal setting. Decorates other goal setting behavior.
For example, always do fingerprints: sdm.addGoalContributions(onAnyPush().setGoals(FingerprintGoal))
Or, sometimes do a custom local deploy goal: sdm.addGoalContributions( whenPushSatisfies(IsSdm, IsInLocalMode).setGoals( new Goals("delivery", LocalSdmDelivery)));
contributions to goals
Set the decision manager used to make final decision on GoalApprovalRequestVoteResult instances.
Add to the list of things an SDM can do on a push.
contributor to set
additional contributors
Generated using TypeDoc
Interface for machines driven by configurable goals. Goals and goal "implementations" can be defined by users.