  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All

Register a project creation operation

Type parameters

  • PARAMS = NoParameters




Optional afterAction

afterAction: ProjectAction<PARAMS & SeedDrivenGeneratorParameters> | Array<ProjectAction<PARAMS & SeedDrivenGeneratorParameters>>

Hooks that get executed after a successful project generation. Note: these hooks fire after the project has been generated and pushed to the remote repository.

Optional autoSubmit

autoSubmit: boolean

Configure command to submit without confirmation

Optional description

description: string

Description of the command

Optional fallbackTarget

fallbackTarget: Maker<RepoCreationParameters>

Allow customization of the target for this repo, e.g. to target a different source control system.

Optional intent

intent: string | string[] | RegExp

Intent or list of intents. What you need to type to invoke the command, for example via the bot.


name: string

Name of the command

Optional parameterStyle

parameterStyle: ParameterStyle

Configure strategy on how to prompt for parameters in chat or web

Optional parameters

parameters: ParametersDefinition<PARAMS>

Define parameters used by this command.

Optional paramsMaker

paramsMaker: Maker<PARAMS>

Function to create a parameters object used by this command. Empty parameters will be returned by default.

Optional projectPersister

projectPersister: ProjectPersister

Strategy for persisting projects. Useful in testing.

Optional registerWhen

registerWhen: (sdmConfiguration: SoftwareDeliveryMachineConfiguration) => boolean

If provided, select when this command is registered. Enables conditional registration on SDM startup, based on configuration, environment variables etc. This method is invoked during SDM startup.


Type declaration

Optional repoFinder

repoFinder: RepoFinder

Optional repoLoader

repoLoader: (p: PARAMS) => RepoLoader

Type declaration

    • (p: PARAMS): RepoLoader
    • Parameters

      • p: PARAMS

      Returns RepoLoader

Optional startingPoint

startingPoint: StartingPoint<PARAMS>

Starting point before transformation. Normally the coordinates of a seed project, but can also be in memory. The alternative is to get this from a config object.

Optional tags

tags: string | string[]

Tags associated with this command. Useful in searching.


transform: CodeTransformOrTransforms<PARAMS & SeedDrivenGeneratorParameters>

Function to transform the project

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