Google Cloud Storage bucket to perist cache entries to. If
not provided, it defaults to
"sdm-WORKSPACE_ID-SDM_NAME-goal-cache", with "WORKSPACE_ID"
replaced with your Atomist workspace ID and "SDM_NAME"
replaced with the name of the running SDM, converting
letters to lower case and removing all characters that are
not letters, numbers, and dashes (-). It makes no attempt
to create this bucket, so make sure it exists before trying
to use it.
Google Cloud Storage bucket to perist cache entries to. If not provided, it defaults to "sdm-WORKSPACE_ID-SDM_NAME-goal-cache", with "WORKSPACE_ID" replaced with your Atomist workspace ID and "SDM_NAME" replaced with the name of the running SDM, converting letters to lower case and removing all characters that are not letters, numbers, and dashes (-). It makes no attempt to create this bucket, so make sure it exists before trying to use it.