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Interface SyncRepoRef

Information needed to create a proper RemoteRepoRef for the [[SdmPackK8sOptions.sync.repo]] by querying cortex.


  • SyncRepoRef



Optional branch

branch: string

If branch is provided, it is used. If it is not provided, things get complicated. If the repo exists in the graph and it has the defaultBranch property set, then the defaultBranch is used. If the repo does not exist in the graph or its defaultBranch property is not set, "master" is used. Since the repo defaultBranch property could not be set initially but get set at a later time, how sync repo behaves can change even if the configuration does not. Long story short, even though branch is optional, set it if you want sync repo to behave deterministically.


owner: string

Owner, i.e., user or organization, of sync repo.

Optional providerId

providerId: string

The internal cortex ID of the source code management (SCM) provider for the sync repo. Typically this is not necessary and not provided. It is only necessary to provide the provider ID if your Atomist workspace has multiple SCM providers and the name and owner of the sync repo you want to use matches different repositories in different SCM providers. For example, if you want to use "my/specs" as your sync repo and your Atomist workspace is linked to both GitHub.com and a GHE instance, both of which have a repo named "my/specs".


repo: string

Name of sync repository.

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