Simple DSL to create a decision tree.
Trees and subtrees can compute variables as interim values for future use.
Example usage, showing computed state:
let count = 0; // Initialize a counter we'll use later
const pm: PushMapping<Goals> = given<Goals>(TruePushTest, ...) // Use any push tests
.init(() => count = 0) // Init to set state
.itMeans("no frogs coming")
given<Goals>(TruePushTest, ...).itMeans("case1")
.compute(() => count++) // Increment the counter for this branch
// Compute terminal ruleswhenPushSatisfies(count > 0, FalsePushTest).itMeans("nope").setGoals(NoGoals),
Simple DSL to create a decision tree. Trees and subtrees can compute variables as interim values for future use. Example usage, showing computed state:
let count = 0; // Initialize a counter we'll use later const pm: PushMapping<Goals> = given<Goals>(TruePushTest, ...) // Use any push tests .init(() => count = 0) // Init to set state .itMeans("no frogs coming") .then( given<Goals>(TruePushTest, ...).itMeans("case1") .compute(() => count++) // Increment the counter for this branch .then( // Compute terminal rules whenPushSatisfies(count > 0, FalsePushTest).itMeans("nope").setGoals(NoGoals), whenPushSatisfies(TruePushTest).itMeans("yes").setGoals(HttpServiceGoals), ), );